BSP Increases Access to Education, Leadership, and Career Advancement

Building Skills Partnership improves the lives of property service workers in low-wage industries and their families. BSP programs serve 4,650 participants annually through direct services and training, and 18,500 individuals through hybrid outreach & online services. Programs focus on workforce development, immigrant inclusion, and community advancement. Our organization offers career and education programs that enable workers’ personal and professional success.

BSP offers programs throughout California, serving Los Angeles, Oakland, Orange County, Palo Alto, Sacramento, San Diego, and San Jose. BSP is a 501(c)3 non-profit and has strong collaborations with SEIU-United Service Workers West, janitorial employers, building owners, and community leaders.

Types of Programs

Workforce Development

Workforce Development programs provide workers with the skills needed by employers to have relevant and successful abilities in the workplace.

Immigrant Inclusion

Immigrant Inclusion programs help property service workers obtain resources to socially integrate and participate in their community and US society at large.

Community Advancement

Community Advancement programs develop partnerships with workers, schools, colleges, universities, businesses, and community-based orgs to respond to the educational and economic development needs of the community.